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The three week English-language charism course held at the Casa Divin Maestro, Ariccia, ended on Saturday, May 18, the feast of Mary, Queen of Apostles, with the celebration of the Eucharist at which the Superior General, Fr Silvio Sassi, presided.
In his homily Fr Sassi reminded the participants that while they have learned much about the Pauline charism during the program, they should also appreciate “that there is still much more to discover.”
“The Pauline Charism remains a gift to be known more and more, not only to better understand what Blessed James Alberione did and said, but also for the dynamic nature of the charism that is constantly developing,” Fr Sassi said. “The Pauline charism is steadily evolving because it is moving in harmony with history, with the Church, with the Congregation and with communication.
Fr Sassi added that the “best conclusion to this Charism Course should be the conviction that the Pauline identity is constantly being actualized and that every Pauline has the duty to keep it “young” and “actual” through continuous ongoing formation.”
The charism program began with a spiritual retreat lead by Fr Mario Sobrejuanite, of the Philippine-Macau Province. Fr Mario also spoke in the second week about the Pauline Cooperators. During this week various Pauline experts spoke on a number of biblical, historical and charismatic topics related to the Pauline charism. The speakers were Fr Angelo Colacrai, Fr Devasia Puthiyaparambil , Sr Elena Bosetti, Fr Giancarlo Rocca and Fr Michael Goonan. The participants were also able to take part in the Wednesday Papal audience of Pope Francis, along with 80,000 others, sharing their Catholic faith and their joy at seeing the new Pope.
In the final week the 19 participants in the program made a pilgrimage to the Pauline places of origin in and around Alba in the north of Italy. The members of the community of Alba were most kind in extending hospitality and guiding the pilgrims through all of the places of significance.
Pilgrimages to Assisi and Subiaco, places of great importance in Italy for the development of religious life, rounded off the program, a reminder that Paulines are a part of the continuing great story of consecrated religious life that traces its origins back to the early Christian centuries.
HOMILY - Don Silviio Sassi (ITA - ENG)